Marriage Policy
Statement of Belief on Marriage
The "Song of Faith" of the United Church of Canada states;
"Jesus announced the coming of God's reign—
a commonwealth not of domination
but of peace, justice, and reconciliation.
He healed the sick and fed the hungry.
He forgave sins and freed those held captive
by all manner of demonic powers.
He crossed barriers of race, class, culture, and gender.
He preached and practiced unconditional love—
love of God, love of neighbor,
love of friend, love of enemy—
and he commanded his followers to love one another
as he had loved them.
Made in the image of God,
we yearn for the fulfillment that is life in God.
Yet we choose to turn away from God.
We surrender ourselves to sin,
a disposition revealed in selfishness, cowardice, or apathy.
Becoming bound and complacent
in a web of false desires and wrong choices,
we bring harm to ourselves and others.
This brokenness in human life and community
is an outcome of sin.
Sin is not only personal
but accumulates
to become habitual and systemic forms
of injustice, violence, and hatred."
With this as our foundation, the congregation of St. Martin's United Church affirms:
God is love
Jesus is love shown in human form
The Holy Spirit calls us into love today
God's intention for all human relationships is that they be faithful, responsible, just, loving, health giving, healing and sustaining of self and community. (32nd General Council, 1988)
We are all a part of God's wonderful diverse creation (37th General Council, 2000)
We desire companionship (Genesis 2:18)
God's creation is still evolving (New Creed 1968)
God requires us "to seek justice, to love kindness, and walk humbly with our God." (Micah 6:8)
That all family relationships "contribute to the wholeness of persons." (United Church Statement on Marriage, p.3)
We will rejoice with all couples who wish to form a life partnership which demonstrates a commitment to love, respect and equality
Marriage is a gift from God and the service is a couple's celebration of their covenant with one another and with God
Through the preparation for and the ceremony of marriage, we will ask God's blessing on all couples who come to St. Martin's to be married
Approved by St. Martin's United Church Board, May 26th, 2010