Membership Policy

Statement of Belief on Membership

The "Song of Faith" of the United Church of Canada states;

"We sing of a church
seeking to continue the story of Jesus
by embodying Christ's presence in the world.
We are called together by Christ
as a community of broken but hopeful believers,
loving what he loved,
living what he taught,
striving to be faithful servants of God
in our time and place.
Our ancestors in faith
bequeath to us experiences of their faithful living;
upon their lives our lives are built.
Our living of the gospel makes us a part of this communion of saints,
experiencing the fulfillment of God's reign
even as we actively anticipate a new heaven and a new earth."

With this as our foundation, the congregation of St. Martin's United Church affirms:

  • In accordance with the bylaws of The United Church of Canada, members of the Church entitled to all church privileges are those who, on a profession of their faith in Jesus Christ and obedience to him have been received into full membership.

  • The children of such persons and all baptized children are members of the Church and it is their duty and privilege when they reach the age of discretion, to enter into full membership.

  • We at St. Martin's United Church abide by the bylaws of membership detailed in The Manual of The United Church of Canada.

Approved by St. Martin's United Church Board, May 26th, 2010