St. Martin’s Policies

In keeping with the policies of the Living Skies Regional Council, the Board of St. Martin's United Church wishes to uphold the principles named in that proposal:

We will seek in the offering of public worship, baptism, marriage, funerals, membership and transfer of membership and confirmation, not to discriminate against any group of persons on the basis of race, ancestry, place of origin, gender identity, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age disability, or status as divorced person subject to the laws of Canada and the province of Saskatchewan.

We will continue to work at enhancing the accessibility of our building for worship and study. We will continue to be aware of areas of concern such as placement of wheelchair users, accessibility for children, maintaining effective sound systems and providing print materials in a suitable format.

We will commit ourselves to addressing any issue that would block an individual from fully participating in the worship or study life of St. Martin's United Church.

Approved by St. Martin's United Church Board, May 26th, 2010